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Pulling Securities by Exchange

Here's what to do if you're having trouble pulling securities for the NYSE, NASDAQ, or other exchanges.

If you use the Securities by Exchange endpoint, you may not get results for the NYSE, NASDAQ or AMEX exchanges while using the MIC, Intrinio ID, or Acronym as identifier, e.g: 

  • MIC: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/stock_exchanges/XNYS/securities 
  • Intrinio ID: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/stock_exchanges/sxg_NXnVXV/securities 
  • Acronym: https://api-v2.intrinio.com/stock_exchanges/NYSE/securities 

Use USCOMP when querying by exchange for US market instead of NYSE or Nasdaq, since our stock prices are a composite. Also, some ways of querying, for example, using figi_composite or Intrinio_ID, are ticker and exchange specific, so it will result in the specific ticker you are looking for trading primarily in a particular exchange. You may also be able to retrieve the data you are looking for with https://api-v2.intrinio.com/securities?exchange_mic=XNAS (or the exchange you’re interested in).